- Richard Holmgren
- Richard Holmgren

Excavations & Surveys
ITALY, San Giovenale (Etruscan habitation remains and road infrastructure).
"The Missing Link". Etruscan settlement dating through bridge constructions in San Giovenale.
In cooperation with Dr. Yvonne Backe-Forsberg and the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome.
• 2023 May, Co-director, archaeologist/architect.
ARMENIA (Megalithic structures encompassing Bronze Age tombs - tumuli, cists, dolmens - and approximately 220 standing stones (menhirs).
Zorats Karer excavation and assessment study, Areni, Syunik Province, Armenia. Project director: Dr. Ashot Piliposyan, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of Armenia’s National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, Armenia.
• 2018 Aug, archaeologist/draughtsman.
JORDAN (Byzantine church/monastery/hermitages & Bronze Age cemeteries)
The Swedish Dead Sea Expedition, al-Lisan area – Southern Dead Sea, Jordan, Co-director with Prof. Dr. Anders Kaliff, (Private project, 1996-97 in co-operation with The Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities in Stockholm and 2002-onwards with Uppsala University, Uppsala).
• 2016 Dec, Co-director, archaeologist/architect.
• 2012 Feb, Co-director, archaeologist/architect.
• 2011 Aug, Co-director / archaeologist & architect.
• 2009 Jan, Co-director / archaeologist & architect.
• 2002 Dec, Co-director / archaeologist & architect.
• 1997 July-Aug, Co-director / archaeologist & architect.
• 1996 Nov-Dec, Co-director / archaeologist & architect.
• 1995 Aug, Co-director / archaeologist & architect.
ARMENIA (Chalcolithic & Early Bronze Age burial/ritual site and worlds oldest wine production)
The Areni-1 Cave Excavation, Areni, Vayotz Dzor Province, Armenia. Project director: Dr. Boris Gasparyan, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of Armenia’s National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, Armenia.
• 2013 Sept-Oct, archaeologist.
JORDAN (Byzantine church & monastery / Nabataean)
Field supervisor / archaeological instructor and architect. The Finnish Jabal Haroun Project, Petra, Jordan. Project director: Prof. Dr. Jaakko Frösén, University of Helsinki - The Academy of Finland.
• 2007 July-Aug, architect.
• 2005 July-Aug, Field superv. / archaeol. instructor and architect.
• 2003 July-Aug, Field superv. / archaeol. instructor and architect.
• 2002 Aug-Sept, Field superv. / archaeol. instructor and architect.
• 2001 Aug-Sept, Field superv. / archaeol. instructor and architect.
• 2000 July-Aug, Field superv. / archaeol. instructor and architect.
• 1999 Sept-Oct, Field superv. / archaeol. instructor and architect.
• 1998 Sept-Oct, Field superv. / archaeol. instructor and architect.
ITALY, San Giovenale (Etruscan habitation & burial sites)
The Vignale Archaeological/Aerial Project, San Giovenale, Italy. In cooperation with Dr. Yvonne Backe-Forsberg, the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome & Dr. Rosa Lasaponara (CNR-IMAA), Nicola Masini (CNR-IBAM), University of Potenza, Italy.
• 2009 May, Archaeologist, Aerial pilot and thermo/infrared photographer.
• 2007 May-June, Field Archaeologist and architect.
• 2006 Feb-March, Field Archaeologist and architect.
ITALY (Roman houses - insula)
The Swedish Pompeii Project. Pompeii, Italy. Project director: Prof. Dr. Anne-Marie Leander, Swedish Institute in Rome.
• 2004 Sept, Archaeologist (Frescoe documentation)
• 2003 August, Archaeologist. “.
• 2002 Sept-Oct, Archaeologist. “.
• 2001 Sept, Archaeologist. “.
• 2000 Sept-Oct, Archaeologist. “.
SWEDEN (Early Medieval church)
Landeryd church, Sweden. Project coordinator: Dr. Göran Tagesson, National Heritage Board (Riksantikvarieämbetet och Statens Historiska Museum), Sweden.
• 2004 June, Consultant Archaeologist (facade documentation).
EGYPT (Roman and Hellenistic remains)
The Siwa Project – Integrating past and present: archaeological heritage management in the Siwa Oasis, Egypt. Project coordinator: Dr. Sofia Häggman, Department of Archaeology and ancient History, Uppsala University, Sweden.
• 2003 April, (part II), Chief Archaeologist.
ITALY (Etruscan bridge complex)
The Etruscan Bridge Complex. San Giovenale, Italy. Project coordinator: Dr.Yvonne Backe-Forsberg, The Swedish Institute in Rome.
• 1999 March, Field archaeologist / advisor and draughtsman.
ISRAEL (Iron Age settlement - tell)
Excavation at Tel Kinneret (Tell el-‘Oreme), Israel. Project director: Prof. Dr. Volkmar Fritz, Kirchlichen Hochschule Wuppertal / Deutschen Evangelischen Institut für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes, Jerusalem.
• 1999 March, Field archaeologist / advisor and draughtsman.
SYRIA (Middle Bronze Age tombs, Iron Age settlement - tell)
Italian Expedition at Shiyukh Tahtani, Syria. Project director: Dr. Gioacchino Falsone, University of Palermo, Italy.
• 1994 Sept-Oct, Area Supervisor.
JORDAN (Early- to Late Bronze Age and Iron Age settlements - tell)
The Swedish Jordan Expedition, Tell abu al-Kharaz, Jordan. Project director: Prof. Dr. Peter M. Fischer, Göteborg University, Sweden.
• 1994 Oct-Nov, Assistant field director / architect.
• 1993 Oct-Nov, Assistant field director.
• 1992 Oct-Nov, Area supervisor / draughtsman.
• 1991 Oct-Nov, Area Supervisor.
JAMAICA (Christopher Columbus ships)
Columbus Caravels Archaeological Project, St. Anns Bay, Jamaica. Project director: Dr. James Parrent, Institute of Nautical Archaeology, Texas A&M.
• 1992 Aug, Field school student in marine archaeology / draughtsman.
SWEDEN (Neolithic period to Viking Age, settlements and burial/cultic sites)
Excavations and preliminary investigations, National Heritage Board (Riksantikvarieämbetet och Statens Historiska Museum), Sweden.
• 1993 Periodically Jan-Nov, Archaeological field assistant.
• 1992 Periodically Jan-Nov, Archaeological field assistant.
• 1991 Periodically Jan-Nov, Archaeological field assistant.
• 1990 Periodically Jan-Nov, Archaeological field assistant.
Preliminary assessment field studies
EGYPT (Roman and Hellenistic remains)
The Siwa Project – Integrating past and present: archaeological heritage management in the Siwa Oasis, Egypt. Project coordinator: Dr. Sofia Häggman, Department of Archaeology and ancient History, Uppsala University, Sweden.
• 2002 Oct, (part I), Archaeological advisor.
CYPRUS (Byzantine Churches)
Conducted in co-operation with Department of Archaeology and Ancient History at Uppsala University in Sweden, Department of Antiquities at Nicosia in Cyprus and Committee of Timios Prodromos Church, Cyprus.
• 1999 Dec, Field planner/research.

Selected Publications, Scholarly and Popular Science
Will be updated...
• (2022) What’s Hidden Beyond the Bridge? - Analysis and Dating of the Vignale Plateau. Results of excavations conducted by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies at Rome and the Sopraintendenza alle Antichità dell’Etruria Meridionale, Vol. VI, FASC. 2–3. Co-author with Y. Backe Forsberg. ISBN: in press
• (2017) ”Cosa si nasconde oltre il ponte?", Co-author with Y. Backe Forsberg, in Forma Urbis, Anno XXII, No. 12, p 12-15.
• (2017) ”Stoppa plundringen” (trans. "End the looting" - a debate article about the current sacking of antiquities in Iraq and Syria, in Populär Arkeologi, No. 4.
• (2017) ”Un brindisi ai sessanta anni di indagini archeologiche a San Giovenale", Co-author with Y. Backe Forsberg, in La Torretta, No. 1-2, Anno 2016.
• (2016) Petra – The Mountain of Aaron. The Finnish Archaeological Project in Jordan, Vol II, The Nabataean Sanctuary and the Byzantine Monastery. Contributor. Frösén J. & Fiema Z., Holappa M., editors. Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki. ISBN 978-951-653-410-0.
• (2016) ”San Giovenale - 2500 år av vinodling” (trans. San Giovenale - 2500 years of viticulture), Co-author with Y. Backe Forsberg, in Populär Arkeologi, No. 2
• (2015) ”Världens första filmscen” (trans. World first film scene - Trajans Column), in Populär Arkeologi, No. 4.
• (2015) ”Från jägare och samlare till jägare och samlare igen...” – Krönika av Richard Holmgren (trans. ”From hunters and gatherers to hunters and gatherers again...” - Author of the column in Popular Archaeology), in Populär Arkeologi, No. 2.
• (2013) ”Världens första vin jästes i Armenien” (trans. "Worlds first wine was fermented in Armenia"), in Populär Arkeologi, No. 4. Link
• (2013) ”Snäckor och spett istället för mynt” (trans. "Shells and skewers instead of coins"), in Populär Historia, No. 7.
• (2013) ”Elefanter i vårstädningen” – Krönika av Richard Holmgren (trans. ”Elephants in the Spring cleaning” - Author of the column in Popular Archaeology), in Populär Arkeologi, No. 2. Link
• (2013) ”Betalat hat vi alltid gjort men; Våra utgrävningar saknar pengar” (trans. We’ve always made transactions but; Our excavations lacks money), in Populär Arkeologi, No. 1. Link
• (2012) “Anchorite cells and dwelling complexes on al-Lisan peninsula - Preliminary results based on the field documentation by the Swedish Dead Sea Expedition 2009/2011”, Co-author with Kaliff A., in ADAJ, 56: 55-70.
• (2012) ”Integration of aerial and satellite remote sensing for archaeological investigations: a case study of the Etruscan site San Giovenale”, Co-author with Lasaponara R,, in Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, vol. 9, no. 4 (special issue).
• (2011) LiDAR, Aerial and satellite remote sensing on Vignale, Blera (Lazio), in section “From artefact to historical site: geoscience and non-invasive methods for the study and conservation of cultural heritage”. Co-author with Lasaponara R,, GEU (European Geosciences Union) General Assembly, April 3-6, Wien, Austria. (Poster) Link
• (2011) ”Kosmopoliterna som lyssnade i vildmarken” (trans. The cosmopolites that listened in the wilderness), Co-author with A. Kaliff, in Populär Arkeologi, No. 4. Link
• (2009) ”Biskopens kyrka vid Sodom” (trans. "The Bishop’s church in Sodom"), Co-
author with A. Kaliff, in Populär Arkeologi, No. 1. Link
• (2008) Petra – The Mountain of Aaron. The Finnish Archaeological Project in Jordan, Vol I, The Church and the Chapel. Contributor. Frösén J. & Fiema Z., editors. Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki. ISBN 978-951-653-364-6.
• (2008) “Airborn and satellite multispectral imagery at the Etruscan site of San Giovenale, Blera (Lazio) – Preliminary results”, Co-author with Backe Forsberg Y., Lanorte A.,, in Advances on remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management, 225-228. ISBN 978-88-548-2030-2.
• (2008) ”Arkeolog upp i det blå – gör egna flygundersökningar” (trans. Archaeologist makes his own aerial-surveys (interview) ), in Populär Arkeologi, No. 3. Link
• (2008) Airborne and satellite multispectral imagery at the Etruscan site of San Giovenale, Blera (Lazio), Co-author with Lasaponara R,, 1st International Workshop – Advances in Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management, Sept 30 – Oct 3, Rome, Italy. (Poster)
• (2007) ”Återfunnet på berget – Arons relikskrin” (trans. Recovered on the mountain – the reliquary of Aron), in Populär Arkeologi, No. 4. Link
• (2007) ”Nya arbetsverktyg och utmaningar i San Giovenale” (trans. New working tools and challenges in San Giovenale (an article based on Vignale Aerial Project 2007), in Romhorisont, No. 47.
• (2007) ”Vad döljs på andra sidan bron – San Giovenale och etruskerna” (trans. What’s hidden on the other side of the bridge – San Giovenale and the Etruscans), Co-author with Forsberg, in Populär Arkeologi, No. 2. Link
• (2007) ”Profetens Grav” (trans. The Tomb of the Prophet), in Populär Arkeologi, No. 1. Link
• (2006) “The Hermit Life on al-Lisan peninsula – results of the Swedish Dead Sea Expedition”, Preliminary report, Co-author with Kaliff A., in ADAJ 49: 167-176.
• (2006) ”Juleljusens Arkeologi” (trans. The Archaeology of the Christmas Candles), in Populär Arkeologi, No. 4.
• (2006) ”Skvaller om statskonst - Parthenontemplet”, ett kåseri, (trans. Chronicle: Gossips on state art – the Parthenon temple), in Populär Arkeologi, No. 3.
• (2005) ”Gudarnas Petra och Herrens Klippa” (trans. The Gods of Petra and the Mountain of the Lord), in Populär Arkeologi, No. 4. Link
• (2005) “Etruskerna satt på en förmögenhet” (trans. The Etruscans sat on a fortune), in Medusa, No. 1. Link
• (2005) ”En vit fläck på kartan – Taklamakanöknens bronsålder”, (trans. A white spot on the map – The Bronze Age of the Taklamakan desert), in Populär Arkeologi, No. 2. Link
• (2005) ”Arkeologi som äventyr - Plundring eller Vetenskap?”, temanummer (trans. Archaeology as adventure – looting or science?”, special feature issue), in Populär Historia, No. 1.
• (2004) ”The 2003 Finnish Jabal Haroun Project: A Preliminary Report”, Co-author with Frösén, J.,, in ADAJ 48: 97-116.
• (2004) “The 2002 Finnish Jabal Harun Project: Preliminary Report”, Co-author with Frösén, J.,, in ADAJ 47 (2003) :295–319.
• (2004) ” Alexander den Stores grav, ännu höljd i dunkel” (trans. The tomb of Alexander the Great, still shrouded in mystery), in Populär Arkeologi, No. 4. Link
• (2004) ”Vad döljer åkern i Dödsskuggans dal?” (trans. What is hidden in the acre of the Valley of death?), in Populär Arkeologi, No. 3. Link
• (2004) “Arkeologi under sekelskiftet” – Krönika av Richard Holmgren ((trans. “Archaeology at the turn of the century” - Author of the column in Popular Archaeology), in Populär Arkeologi, No. 1. Link
• (2003) ”The 2001 Finnish Jabal Haroun Project: A Preliminary Report”, Co-author with Frösén,, in ADAJ 46: 391-408.
• (2003) ”När Speldjävulen utmanade Gud - gambling i det förhistoriska samhället” (trans. When the devil of games challenged God – gambling in the prehistorical society), in Populär Arkeologi, No. 4. Link
• (2003) Arkeologer i Bibelns Sodom (trans. Archaeologists in Biblical Sodom). Co-author with Kaliff A., Wahlström & Widstrand, Stockholm, (Book). Link
• (2003) ”Vilka var Hannibals elefanter?” (trans. Hannibal’s elephants – who were they?), in Populär Arkeologi, No. 2. Link
• (2002) “Money on the hoof” – The astragalus bone - religion, gaming and primitive Money”, in Pecus – Man and Animal in Antiquity. Proceedings of the conference at the Swedish Institute in Rome, September 9-12, 2002. Ed. B. Santillo Frizell. Rome 2002. Link
• (2002) ”The Byzantine Monastic/Pilgrimage Center of St. Aaron near Petra”, Co-author with Fiema Z. T., in Petra – A City Forgotten and Rediscovered (ed. Frösén J.), Amos Anderson Art Museum, New Series No.40, 99-111.
• (2002) ”Petra - Bakom Stenkulisserna” (trans. Petra – Behind the stone facades),
in Populär Arkeologi, No. 3. Link
• (2002) Petra - Antikens försvunna stad. (trans. Petra – An ancient and vanished city) (contributions in exhibition brochure), Amos Andersons konstmuseums publikationer, Nya Serien 39, Helsingfors.
• (2001) ”The 2000 Finnish Jabal Haroun Project: A Preliminary Report”, Co-author with Frösén, J.,, in ADAJ 45: 359-376.
• (2001) ”Etruskerna satt på en förmögenhet, visste de det?” (trans. The Etruscans sat on a fortune, did they know?), in Populär Arkeologi, No. 4.
• (2000) ”The 1999 Finnish Jabal Harûn Project: A Preliminary Report”, Co-author with Frösén, J.,, in ADAJ 44: 395-424.
• (2000 - 2007) Assorted book reviews on classical- and Middle Eastern archaeology, for example; Kanaaneiska myter och legender - översättning av ugaritiska av Ola Wikander (trans. Canaanite myths and legends), Alexander den Store av Bengt Liljegren, Palmyra av Göran Börge, Pompeji bakom ruinerna av Hans Furuhagen, etc. in Populär Arkeologi.
• (1999) ”The 1998 Finnish Jabal Harûn Project. A Preliminary Report”, Co-author with Frösén, J.,, in ADAJ 43: 369-410.
• (1999) ”Expedition till Arons berg” (trans. An expedition to the mountain of Aaron),
in Populär Historia, No. 7.
• (1997) ”The 1995-1996 Excavation of Dayr al-Qattar al-Byzanti: Preliminary Report”, Co-author with Kaliff A., in ADAJ 41: 321-340.
• (1996) ”Deir el-Kattar el-Byzanti and the search for lost cities”. Co-author with Kaliff A., in TOR 28: 69-90.
• (1996) ”Nytt ljus över Sodom och Gomorra” (trans. New light over Sodom and Gomorrah) , Co-author with Kaliff A., in Populär Historia, No. 2.
Master Thesis
• (1999) Etruskerna satt på en förmögenhet, visste de om det? Aspekter på tillgångarna av mineralsaltet alun i Tolfabergen. (trans. The Etruscans sat on a fortune, did they know? Aspects on the rich resources of alum in the Tolfa Mountains), Master Thesis, Department of Archaeology and ancient History, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Graphics & Illustrations
• (1990-onwards) Published graphical works such as drawings of architectural field plans, domestic/environment and artefact/pottery reconstructions published in 400+ international archaeological reports, scholarly publications, illustrations in popular books, magazines and brochures.
Selected scholarly graphics and illustrations out of 200+ publications
(not in specific order)
Stausberg, M.,
(2001) Kontinuität und Brüche in der Religionsgeschichte. Festschrift für Anders Hultgård zu seinem 65. Geburtstag am 23. 12. 2001. Herausgegeben von Michael Stausberg. Walter de Gruyter. Berlin - New York.
Bolin, H.,,
(2001) Mellan Sten och Brons. Inst. för arkeologi och antik historia. ISBN:91-631-0623-4
Bolin, H., & Edenmo, R.,
(2001) Övre Grundsjön, Vojmsjön och Lilla Mark – Rapport över arkeologiska undersökningar. Riksantikvarieämbetet. ISBN:91-7209-237-8
Borna-Ahlkvist, H.,,
(1998) Pryssgården – Från Stenålder till Medeltid. Riksantikvarieämbetet. ISSN:1104-5744
Carlsson, T., et. al.,
(1999) Olika Perspektiv på en Arkeologisk Undersökning i Västra Östergötland. Riksantikvarieämbetet. ISBN:91-7209-160-6
(1996) Hulje – boplats, skärvsten och gravar. Riksantikvarieämbetet.
Fischer, P.,
(1996) ”Tall abu al-Kharaz. The Swedish Jordan Expedition 1994. Fifth Season Preliminary Excavation Report”. in ADAJ 40:101-110.
Frösén, J., & Fiema Z. T.,
- (2002) Petra – A City Forgotten and Rediscovered, Amos Anderson Art Museum, New Series No.40. ISBN:952-9531-43-5
Frösén, J., Fiema Z. T.,,
- (1999) The 1998 Finnish Jabal Harûn Project. A Preliminary Report. in ADAJ 43: 369-410.
- (2000) The 1999 Finnish Jabal Harûn Project: A Preliminary Report. in ADAJ 44: 395-424.
Goldhahn, J.,
(1999) Sagaholm – Hällristningar och Gravritual. Jönköpings Läns Museum.
Gruber G & Larsson M,
(1999) Åby - en gropkeramisk boplats. Rapport UV ÖST, Riksantikvarieämbetet, 1999:19.
Hallgren, A.,,
(2001) Kristinelund – Ett gravfält från förromersk järnålder. Kalmar läns museum. ISSN:1400-352X
Hellander, A., & Zetterlund P.,
- (1997) Västra Bökestad – Gravfält och Bronsgjuteri. Riksantikvarieämbetet.
- (1998) Ett gravfält vid Cape Julie. Riksantikvarieämbetet. ISSN:1104:5744
Holmgren, R. & Kaliff, A.,
(1997) The 1995-1996 Excavation of Dayr al-Qattar al-Byzanti: Preliminary Report. in ADAJ 41:321-340.
Kaliff, A.,,
- (1995) Skenet från det förflutna – Arkeologi och myter i en bronsåldersbygd. Riksantikvarieämbetet. ISBN:91-7192-962-2
- (1997) Mörby – Östergötlands äldsta boplats. Riksantikvarieämbetet.
(1997) ”Kungsgårdar”. (ed. Antell, E.), No.2.
Larsson, M.,
(1996) Högby – Mesolitiska och Senneolitiska boplatser vid Högby i Östergörland. Riksantikvarieämbetet.
Lindeblad, K., & Nielsen, A.,
(1997) Kungens gods i Borg. Riksantikvarieämbetet. ISSN:1104-5744
Lundqvist, L.,,
(1996) Slöinge och Borg – Stormansgårdar i Öst och Väst. Riksantikvarieämbetet. ISBN:91-7209-027-8
Magnusson, G.,
(2001) Möre – Historien om ett Småland. Kalmar läns Museum. ISBN:91-85926-515
Molin, F., & Larsson, M.,
(1999) Mesolitikum vid Storlyckan – hyddlämning och fyndmaterial. Riksantikvarieämbetet. ISSN:1104-5744
Mikkola, E.,
(2002) Petra – antikens försvunna stad. Amos Andersons konstmuseums publikationer, Nya Serien 39. ISBN:952-9531-42-7
Nielsen A,
(1999) Smide på en östgötsk gård från romersk järnålder. Rapport UV ÖST, Riksantikvarieämbetet, 1999:2
Skjöldebrand, M.,
(1997) Högby – En begravningsplats genom årtusenden. Riksantikvarieämbetet. ISSN:1104-5744
Ulfhielm, A.,
(1998) Skålgropar Röjningsrösen och Stensträng. Riksantikvarieämbetet. ISSN:1104-5744

• Over 200 contributions and invited lectures presented in Syria, Italy, Jordan, Finland and Sweden (Main focus on; excavation methodology, archaeology in the Levant, the cities of Pompeii and Petra, theoretical issues on Prehistoric economy and Bronze Age city states in the Near East and Early Christian Archaeology, politics and conflicts impact on archaeology).
• Affiliate in the Organizing Committee of the 1st International Workshop on
"Advances in Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management", Rome, 30 September - 4 October, 2008.
• (2011 Jan) Lecturer in Roman and Etruscan architecture (within the course program of “Archaeology in Ascoli Piceno”), UNH in Italy Study Abroad Program – Spring Semester 2011, Director Prof. Cristian Muscelli, University of New Hampshire, Ascoli Piceno, Italy.
• (1998-2007´s field seasons) Teaching of practical fieldwork documentation and excavation techniques. The Finnish Jabal Haroun Project, Petra, Jordan. Project director: Prof. Dr. Jaakko Frösén, University of Helsinki - The Academy of Finland.
• (2007 May-June) Teaching in practical fieldwork documentation, survey methods and Etruscan archaeology/history. Project coordinator: PhD. Yvonne Backe Forsberg & PhD. Ingela Wiman, Department of Archaeology and ancient History, Uppsala University, Sweden.
• (2017) "Den plundrande människan" (trans. The looting man). In the Swedish Radio’s "OBS" (A forum for spoken cultural essays in which contemporary and historical ideas are tested and met.) Program 1, presenting how man tries to structure chaos through collections and museums and how we must dig into ourselves before preventing the digging of looting pits (November 29, 2017). Link
• (2017) "I Spåren av Hannibals Elefanter" (trans. Tracing Hannibal's elephants). In the Swedish Radio’s Vetenskapsradion Historia (the Science Radio – History) Program 1. Presentation of the archaeological and historical circumstances around Hannibals march over the Alps - told from the perspective of the African elephants. The program was aired from the "elephant house" in Kolmårdens zoo, in Sweden, where cold climate could deliver a realistic approach to Hannibals feat (February 28, 2017). Link
• (2016) "Magstarkt" (Unusual historical recipes of different cultures). Presentations in a program series of four episodes, in the Swedish Radio’s Vetenskapsradion Historia (the Science Radio – History). Programs 1-4;
- Presentation and making of a shrunken head according to the Jivaro procedure (tsantsa).
- The recipe and cultural process of making Haitian zombie powder.
- Self mummification according to the Shingon monk tradition - sokushinbutsu.
- Presenting the historical background and content of the infamous late 18th century vampire kits. Link
• (2014) "Noa seglar igen" (trans. Noah set to sail again). In the Swedish Radio’s Vetenskapsradion Historia (the Science Radio – History) Program 1, presenting an archaeological and mythological approach to understand the origins of the Biblical account of Noah and his ark (April 3, 2014). Link
• (2011) Invited to present the archaeological site of Petra in Jordan for the Swedish Television’s program “Resebyrån” (The travel agency), SVT2, Dec 19. Link
• (2010) “Jakten på Arons berg” (trans. The quest on Aaron’s mountain). In the Swedish Radio’s Vetenskapsradion Historia (the Science Radio – History) Program 1, presenting the archaeology, history, excavations at Jabal Haroun in Petra, Jordan (January 07). Link
• (2009) “Expedition Petra” (trans. Expedition Petra). In the Swedish Radio’s Vetenskapsradion Historia (the Science Radio – History) Program 1, presenting the archaeology, history and excavations in Petra, Jordan (December 24). Link
• (2004) Presentations in a program series of five episodes, in the Swedish Radio’s Vetenskapsradion Historia (the Science Radio – History) Program 1-5 presenting various potential and archaeological unearthings such as;
- The first imperial tomb of China.
- The lost tomb of Alexander the Great.
- The lost settlement of Christopher Columbus.
- The lost pre-exilic archive of the the Israelites.
- The lost treasure of the Etruscans (aspects on their economy).
• (2001) Appointed for the public prestigious assignment to coordinate a 2 hours radio programme presenting my experiences and views as an archaeologist, in the Swedish Radio’s Sommar, Program 1 (“Sommarpratare” i P1, July 23). Link
• (1995-) Over 20 various contributions in scientific programmes, debates and other presentations in tv- and radio programmes in the Swedish Radio (SR) and the Swedish Television (SVT).
• (2016, permanent exhibition) San Giovenale - 2500 anni di tradizione viti-vinicola (San Giovenale - a 2500-year wine tradition), permanent exhibition in Museo Nazionale Rocca Albornoz, Viterbo, Italy.
Link to the exhibition
• (1997, spring) Från Sodom till Sodoma, Medelhavsmuseet (trans. From Sodom to Sodoma), In the Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities), Stockholm, Sweden.
Link to the exhibition
• (1996, spring) Nytt Ljus över Sodom och Gomorra, Medelhavsmuseet (trans. New Light over Sodom and Gomorrah), In the Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities), Stockholm, Sweden.
• (2006-2021) 80+ guided tours to various archaeological and historical sites in Jordan (prehistory-present), Israel (Jerusalem and prehistory), Tunis (Chartagian and Roman history), Egypt (prehistory, pharaonic and the Coptic period), Armenia (prehistory, early Christian and Medieval history), Georgia (prehistory, early Christian and Medieval history), Turkey (prehistory, early Christian/Islamic history) and Italy (prehistory, Etruscan & Roman culture), Romania with focus on Transylvania (Dacian/Roman and Medieval history).
The ventures have been arranged in cooperation with archaeological and historical periodicals such as Bonnier Expeditions and various Swedish travel agencies.
• (2000-2007) Reviewer of scientific and popular books in the Swedish quarterly Populär Arkeologi (Popular Archaeology).
• (2003-2005) Evaluator of archaeological scientific and popular books for translation into Swedish for the publishing house Prisma, Sweden.
REFERENCES (Excavation)
• Fiema Z. T., Jabal Haroun Excavations. Link